Members area
Members area is a dedicated places for my students. Students’ participation in the recorded class is at their own risk.
In the members area you will find:
Yoga Videos
Recorded live classes
Sound Bath
Breathing practices
Ayurvedic Remedies
Exclusive members discounts on Yoga classes, Therapies, treatments.
Recording of the Qigong beginners course 10 classes.
A total of 75 recordings.
Declaration & Informed Consent:
As a class participant I am advised not to undertake strenuous physical activity without first seeking medical advice if I have concerns over my physical condition and wellbeing. My participation in the class/instruction is at my own risk and subject to and governed by English Law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales;
I confirm the above information is correct. I understand it is my responsibility to:
Check with my doctor if I have any difficulties or concerns about my health and ability to participle in any yoga class (online, in person, recorded).
Advise the yoga teacher of any change in my medical information.
Follow the advice given by my doctor and/or yoga tutor.
Withdraw from any yoga poses that cause any discomfort or pain and inform
The Balanced Yoga Class Member