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Headstand the king of yoga poses.

Asanas, yoga postures are a way to awaken the journey of self-discovery.

Each posture and each approach to the posture, open a different pathway to the true self, Atman.

Today I would like to talk about Sirsasana {headstand}

“Sirsa" meaning "Head", and "Asana" meaning "Pose".

Sirsasana is the king of asana because of its benefits: it supplies nutrient-rich pure blood to the brain, which connects to our whole body and acts as a regulator. Thus, Sirsasana kindle and regulates entire body function by increasing blood supply to scalp and brain.

It stimulates the pineal and pituitary glands, and help normalizes its function; therefore, influence the entire nervous system.

Many consider this, the first inversion that one learns, however, this is not fully correct.

Any pose where the heart is above the head is, in fact, an inversion, hence child pose, down facing dog, etc are an inversion too.

Looking at the physical body, balancing on the head focuses attention on the axial alignment of the whole body, reverses the normal effect of gravity and when done correctly can help with spine misalignment, in particular, scoliosis. {which is a Vata imbalance}.

This pose requires effort and create heat, therefore balances:

- Vata {moderate holds, smooth breath using wall for support}

- Kapha {long holds with repetition, can use Ujjayi pranayama, strong focus, careful not to put too much weight on neck and head}.

It can aggravate Pitta, one should practice short holds, with light focus and no effort.

This pose is contraindicated for those with neck or shoulder pain, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, oesophageal reflux, hiatal hernia and caution for people with glaucoma.

This inverted position stimulates all chakras, in particular, the 7th Chakra Sahasrara, the crown chakra.

Vayus that are in particularly involved and stimulated when in headstand:

Prana vayu upward movement of energy.

Apana vayu moving downward.

Udana Vayus {cantered in the throat and head, it has a circular energy moving clock wise}

Next time you practice headstand, you could bring your focus on the energy of the pose:

- on each inhalation, draw the energy from the sole of the feet to the crown of the head

- on each exhalation, feel the torso lengthen upward, the feet pressing up towards the ceiling or sky, feeling lightness (less weight) on the crown of the head.

As you become more comfortable in the pose and the pressure on the crown of the head, lessen, visualize a golden light blossoming from within you and expanding through your entire body and beyond.

Feel your whole body shining golden light with a feeling of peace and stillness.

Om Shanti.